A bilingual online magazine run by a transnational editorial team and hosting critical debates about local, regional, and global issues that characterize our interconnected world.
Launched in the summer of 2023, UntoldMag is a collective initiative, born out of a group of colleagues and friends.
UntoldMag makes available knowledge developed by scholars and experts alongside knowledge developed by those whose voices are often excluded and opinions dismissed for lack of credentials.
Our ambition is to decentralize the production of knowledge and to create multi-centered and Global South-based perspectives to challenge the hegemony of a unilateral knowledge production stemming from the Global North.
Founded in 2012 in Beirut, SyriaUntold is an award-winning platform focusing on creative resistance and social issues in Syria.
It produces in-depth reports on different issues such as culture, art, gender and LGBTIQ+, environment, and civil society.
In 2021 it won the prestigious Samir Kassir Award in the category of investigative pieces, and in 2015 a special mention by the prestigious Ars Electronica.

Founded in 2021, Mena Art Gallery is a digital gallery showcasing and selling artworks and products by artists from the Middle East and North Africa.
The aim of this project it to support the artists, and at the same time produce revenues by selling their work online and offline to fund our editorial projects.
For this purpose, MENA Art Gallery established a platform where the public can visit and buy artworks, but it also organizes cultural events and exhibitions in different cities in Europe and, in the future, in the other regions.